About Aayush Srivastava

Hey there 👋, my name is Aayush Srivastava! Nice to meet you! Thanks for visiting my website.

If I know you personally, then you probably know a lot more than I'm about to write in this section (so, skip this!).

I am Software Development Engineer at Acefone (Real Time Data Services). I love programming, development and writing. I was the Club Lead of Mozilla Phoenix Club JUET, which is a Mozilla Campus Club of my university and I regularly engaged in teaching and organizing activities and events, to further the technical outreach of everyone around. Talking about what I know best, I know JavaScript, PHP, Python, Java, TypeScript, C++, C for programming, I know HTML, CSS (also Bootstrap), Laravel, JavaScript, React, React Native, and PHP for web development, I occasionally use Java and XML for app development, and I also extensively use Git and GitHub for version control and showcasing my portfolio projects. I'm currently exploring Machine Learning and trying to contribute as much as I can to help out the open source community.

I live in Nagpur (Maharashtra), but spend most of my time in Gurugram (Haryana, Delhi NCR) because I'm working there. I love food, so now you know, if you ever want to have my attention, talk it over lunch. 🤞 But seriously, I'd love to know more about you as well, please feel free to reach out to me at my LinkedIn, and Twitter. Find all my contact info here.