

EComWeb is a E-Commerce Web Application built with Laravel. The application works in conjunction with MySQL and Laravel serves the purpose for both frontend and backend of the application. The application is an up-and-running model of an e-commerce platform. The application is loaded with the necessary functionality of authentication, authorization, inventory management, product shopping, and validations on both the frontend as well as the backend.
GitHub Project Link: EComWeb

Campus Recruitment System

Campus Recruitment System is an online web-application system that manages recruitment activities in a higher academic institution. This system increases efficiency in various tasks of the recruitment process by bypassing manual processing of applications. Users (with adequate permissions) can manage other users, push/receive notifications, companies can broadcast new openings, students can apply to those job openings with their details, and many more…
GitHub Project Link: Campus Recruitment System

To-Do and Notes

To-Do and Notes is a task management and note-taking platform to help the users of this service effectively manage their day-to-day tasks and take notes on the go. The user would be able to add, view, modify and delete both their to-dos and notes. The platform also offers its users to mark to-dos as done after which the to-dos are archived but still effectively visible to the users.
GitHub Project Link: To-Do and Notes

Academic Management System

An Academic Management System is an online system which enables streamlining of academic activities in an academic institution. The aim was to increase consistency in academic activities (for eg. conducting examinations of students, notifying students by broadcasting important information, displaying a dashboard for all students to track their academic activities in their current academic year) so as to increase efficiency of admins and employees by allowing them to focus on more important work. This web-app is developed to work regardless of any scale, be it on a tiny scale of a school or a huge scale of a university.
GitHub Project Link: Academic Management System

To-Do and Notes App

A To-Do and Notes Application is a task management and note-taking application to help users stay organized and manage their day-to-day tasks. This app brings together the power of two applications, a To-Do tasks manager, and a Notes manager, into a single app so that the user does not have to migrate to different application for trivial tasks. This application uses the power of Android's Room Persistence Library to store persistent data of the application. Some important functionalities like reminders for incomplete tasks, copy to clipboard have also been implemented in this application. Note: This application is currently only available for Android. iOS and other OS are not supported. Features of To-Do and Notes Application:

  1. Add, modify and delete to-do tasks and notes: The application gives you the option to add, modify and remove to-do tasks and notes. You can edit tasks and notes if you want to change them.
  2. Reminders with alarms: The application notifies you of deadlines you set for your to-do tasks.
  3. Persistent Storage: The application uses the power of Android's Room Persistence Library to store app data like tasks and notes so that data is stored even when the application is not running. The application also uses Android's SharedPreferences for trivial information about the user of the application.
  4. Copy to clipboard: The application gives you a context menu when you short-press on a to-do task or note but it copies the task info or note to clipboard when you long-press on a to-do task or note.
GitHub Project Link: To-Do and Notes App


A PhoneBook software that permanantly stores contacts in a database with all the relevant fields you wish to add.

  1. Add Contact
    You can add a contact to the phonebook with as many details as you want.
  2. Search Contact
    You can search for contacts and contacts will appear as you type.
  3. Edit Contact
    You can edit a contact and change all the entries supplied while adding a contact.
  4. Delete Contact
    You can delete a contact permanantly from your database.
  5. Database Management System
    This program uses a database management system so that your contacts are permanantly stored until you choose to delete them.
GitHub Project Link: Phonebook


Tic-Tac-Toe is a game of two players who take turns in drawing either an ‘0’ or ‘X’ in one square of a grid consisting of nine squares. The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row wins the game. This project lets the user compete with the computer. The computer tries hard to block the opponent and win the game. The user can choose who will go first, the computer or the player.
GitHub Project Link: Tic-Tac-Toe

Product Management System

A supermarket is an expansive retail facility carrying a wide range of products under one roof, including full groceries lines and general merchandise. In theory, supermarkets allow customers to satisfy all their routine shopping needs in one trip. This project has all the basic and necessary functions that is involved in the working of product management software. The user can choose from a number of features such as add product(s), modify product(s) with the help of various unique identifiers, delete product(s), or simply search product(s).

  1. Add A New Product:
    The user can choose this option to add a new product in the file by feeding information such as the product code, product name, product quantity and product price.
  2. Show All The Products:
    The user can choose to view all the existing products parameters of the file such as product code, product name, product quantity and product price in a tabular format.
  3. Check For Product Availability:
    The user can choose this option to manually find a particular product using the unique parameters of the product, i.e. product code and product name.
  4. Modify A Product:
    The user can choose this option to manually find a particular product using the unique parameters of the product, i.e. product code and product name and then change the other parameters of the product such as product name, product quantity and product price except the product code.
  5. Delete A Product:
    The user can choose this option to manually find a particular product using the unique parameters of the product, i.e. product code and product name and then delete the entire record corresponding to that particular product.
GitHub Project Link: Product Management System